Hello World! I'm an active Maker blessed with full access to a well-equipped makerspace (
Techno Chaos, in Sugar Land, Texas) my wife and I own and operate. Actually, I consider myself a life-long Maker, having grown up in the 60s idealizing the US space program and building models, electronic devices and an array of weird contraptions. Despite the strong influence of the race-to-the-moon and the pro-science and -engineering environment of those days, I believe the here and now is the best time to be an inventor and creative -- ever! Yes, I really do mean in all of human history. And it's only going to get better. The purpose of my blog is to talk about my "adventures", projects and learnings as I dive deeply into the world of Making and inventing! And perhaps I'll share insights into my other "hobbies" and activities along the way...
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